San Antonio's

Pizza Italian

568 Magill Road, Magill, 5072

Delivering now

Note: "Try our new arancini ball range. Now available."

The average adult daily energy intake is 8700 kJ

Small - 9 Inches.

Large - 12 Inches.

Family - 16 Inches.

Party - 18 Inches.

Gluten Free - 10 Inches.

Halal Pizzas available!

Gluten free pizza bases are egg-free, dairy-free, fructose-free, nut-free and yeast-free.

Halal Pizzas Available

Gluten free pizza bases are egg-free, dairy-free, fructose-free, nut-free and yeast-free.

Gluten free pizza bases are egg-free, dairy-free, fructose-free, nut-free and yeast-free.

Halal Pizzas available

Small - 9 Inches.

Large - 12 Inches.

Family - 16 Inches.

Party - 18 Inches.

Gluten Free - 10 Inches.

Gluten free pizza bases are egg-free, dairy-free, fructose-free, nut-free and yeast-free.

Halal Available

All served with seasoned fries.

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