Brabham Kebabs and Turkish Bakery

Kebab Fast Food

Shop T12 / 100 Everglades Avenue, Brabham, 6055

Delivery from Fri 10:30

The average adult daily energy intake is 8700 kJ

All kebabs served with tomato, lettuce and onion.

All served with meat or Falafel, chips, and sauce.

All burgers served with tomato, lettuce and onion.

All served with meat, rice and sauce.

Mixed vegies contains; spring onion, zucchini, silverbeet and leek.

Mixed vegies contains; spring onion, zucchini, silverbeet and leek.

Freshly made to order.

Meat or falafel, chips or rice, salad and sauce.

Served with Meat, Salad and Sauce

Our Turkish Breads are freshly made everyday.

Your order