Rosso Cavallino St Ives

Pizza Italian

229 Mona Vale Road , St Ives, 2075

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Note: Rosso Cavallino Pizzeria and Gelateria in St Ives, Sydney, is a favourite for both traditional Italian pizza pies and delectable gelato. Prepare yourself to be delighted with our authentic pies such as the Margherita, made simply with tomato, basil and mozzarella, or the Carnivora with ham, spicy salami and Italian sausage. We also have calzones, lasagne, pasta, insalate, and focaccie. You can create your own pizza, too. Choose toppings like chicken, beef, lamb, prosciutto, ham, salami, Italian sausage, seafood, prawns, calamari, scallops and more. We also have vegetarian options available.

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